Digital analytics data visualization, financial schedule, monitor screen in perspective

Data Analytics

Data Analytics is the science of deriving insights from the data using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Various patterns are identified and analysed to prescribe solutions for various businesses to win. 
The prescription of a doctor is right only when the symptoms are described correctly by a patient. 

In DataFly, we believe that data can be interpreted rightly only by the rightly defining the business problem. The diagnostics (the exploratory data analysis, the forecasting/ predictive analysis) are all done with right direction and approach. The inferences are visually done and verified with the clients.

Many people think Solar installations are capital intensive, the return of investment(ROI) is low and aren’t worth buying. Is that really so? How can any consumer check ROI? We have a solution for the same. The savings made by installing solar equipment is projected using quantitative forecasting model – Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA) – The Data Analytics. 
Customers can not only see when the breakeven happens – also they can see the carbon footprints that are being saved!

deep learning

Deep Learning

Deep Learning – Is the key element of today’s Artificial Intelligence. It is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), a one stop solution for you and is the future of AI. ANNs  perform millions or more logical computations in order to resolve a problem. 
Influenced from Biological neurons, ANNs are formed of many Artificial neurons. 
Pics of Biological neuron and artificial neuron are given for reference.

A sample fully connected neural network is shown as below:

Movie/Program Recommendation System for Over The Top (OTT) platforms just works great with the ANN Model created by us. With an element of surprise that can be set for every weekend or everyday, suggestions aren’t anymore just repetitive. 

Object Detection from Over The Top Videos is done using artificial neural network. The objects that are detected are used to connect to various e-commerce platforms. Are your viewers interested in buying goods after they watch their favourite programs? We enable your customers with next generation experience to take decisions that help your business win.

Way to Go with Deep Learning!